The Capri Sun Caper, a Delicious Song of Subversion and Sneaking Snacks into Theme Parks
The Capri Sun Caper, a Delicious Song of Subversion

Interviewed Person 1:
Four times — this summer alone — I’ve gone to Six Flags since my youngest REFUSES to drink soda or water, so I’ve taken in one box of Capri Sun drink pouches and we use two or three since all my other kids will drink water without complaint. It’s like 20 miles away but we go there anyway because the kids love it.
This last time, the female security guard let me take in one pouch which I insisted on in front of the manager, after the guard and I argued about it for a while. She suggested I take the rest of them back to my car — a journey too far with too many kids in order to save maybe two dollars simply wasn’t realistic.

And…when I was younger and my parents took me to the movies, it was magical! All my siblings and I would sneak in candy since the theatres charge more for it, to make more money. I’m sure the people who worked at the movie theatres knew we were doing that but they pretended to not notice our childlike stealth. The Dollar Stores were next door to the theatre. How could we resist?

Interviewed Person 2:
A while ago, my brother in law invited me to King’s Dominion in Virginia. My wife asked me to bring the leftover homemade pizza — since the food inside amusement parks is usually priced higher than we are willing pay. I arrived later than she did and couldn’t figure out how to get the pizza (our lunch) into King’s Dominion. I watched what other people were doing, not bringing anything in but full wallets and leaving with near-empty ones.

Wasn’t sure what to do — should we walk across the park at lunch time, with the kids and my brother in law’s kids? He gave us free tickets — the least we could do is provide lunch.
Suddenly, the solution presented itself.
I grabbed the bag of bread from the car. It had two or three slices remaining. Yes — the heel slice counts as a slice or at least half of a slice. I dumped out the bread and then carefully placed the pizza slices inside.
Now, how to the bag inside? The guards won’t let me just carry it in. The bag won’t fit in my pockets.
Inside my pants!
But how to secure it?
Hmm…tie the wound-up top of the bread bag to a belt buckle, with the rest of the bread bag and pizza inside the left side of my pants.
Worked like a charm! Take that over-priced, fried food! We had whole wheat pizza like kings and queens, perhaps even at our own dominion.
Homemaide gives you the prices you want without the subversion.
You won’t need to sneak food anywhere you go to avoid Homemaide’s prices.
We won’t bury our price policy in indecipherable term sheets.