Of Alternators, Automotive Mechanics, and Attitude

Of Alternators, Automotive Mechanics, and Attitude

Jun 25, 2019 · 3 min read
So when you’re driving through the beginnings of rush hour traffic, on a road that has three lanes full of cars headed north and three lanes full of cars headed south — and your 2000 Honda Odyssey starts making strange noises, then the power locks stop working — then the power windows stop working — then the transmission starts having trouble changing gears as you repeatedly stop and go, on a very busy road…

If this happens, you might need a new alternator. Here are a few options:

As you can see, a refurbished alternator costs about $77.

Now when you add labor and delivery — assuming you’re not removing the old one and installing the new one yourself — the price quickly adds up to about $650, as of June 2019 in the Greater Washington DC area.

Now if you’re like me and within the past month paid to have your front brakes, brake pads, and rotors replace — after paying to have a new radiator and fan installed, plus a frame adjustment — you reach a point where all you can say is: No.

Take Back Your Life: How to Say NO More Often

You won’t have the life you want until you learn to say no.


On Attitude

Like I said, if your car breaks down in late June climates on 6-lane roads, be grateful you purchased AAA a month ago.

While you’re waiting for the Triple AAA tow-truck driver to arrive, you may opt to meditate in following position, while in the shade — ignoring the hundreds of cars slowly passing you:

My little girl noticed tempers were rising w/ the temperature and randomly started meditating — possibly due to her mother’s Yoga class. “Ohm…..Ohm…….” Her brother saw the health benefits and immediately joined her.

So, do you “got ohm?”

To come with us on the awesome adventure of our successful alternator replacement due to DIY Jeff on Youtube, please see:

1. Of Serpentine Belts and Sticky Buns (part 1)

2. Of Serpentine Belts and Sticky Buns (part 2 — the epic conclusion)


HOMEMAIDE helps you sell your style and buy the things that make you smile, seamlessly!

Any recipe you create, any delicious meal you eat with friends or at a restaurant, or on an international trip, or yoga classes you paid for and taught your kids poses from — all you have to do is upload a picture or video clip of that to your existing social media sites and Homemaide will send you a commission for every purchase your friends make.

AND — they don’t even have to buy the entire Honda Odyssey or Honda Pilot for you to earn a commission! If they bought any item from the car or one sample yoga class instead of the entire series, you’d earn money.

If they bought an alternator (new or used), a spare tire, coolant fluid, a radiaotr (new or used), a Triple AAA membership, you’d receive a commission!

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